Your points will keep adding up until you choose to redeem them for a reward. Points are never automatically applied to an order, as we offer various rewards and you may choose to save up for the best rewards like $50 off, or you may prefer to just keep redeeming 200 points for $10 off more frequently. It's up to you :)

To redeem points for a reward, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account here:
  2. Once you are logged in, click on the link that says "Click here to redeem points."
    This opens the points program launcher as shown below:
  3. Click "redeem" for any available reward you want to use. In this example, if you redeemed 200 PhenPoints for the $10 off discount, you would instantly receive a unique coupon code to save $10 off your next order.

Rewards are available to redeem if you have enough points for that reward. In this example screen above, I have 441 PhenPoints, so I can redeem 200 points easily for $10 off my next order. With that said, I am very close to having enough points to redeem for the 20% off coupon. I just need 59 more PhenPoints. In that case, I might try to save up some more points so I can redeem for that 20% off.